What Is A Phase Change... And Why You Should Know
A beautiful Earth scene in winter
We humans are all related as brothers and sisters in a single family on this tiny planet.  We live for a moment on the surface
of this beautiful space matter we call Earth as it spins on its tilted axis at 1000 mph.  Together we swing around our
average size star at 67,000 mph.  Amazingly our star and Earth are mutually attracted to each other by
invisible attraction of gravity. We all fly through space at 490,000 mph around the
center of a single galaxy among billions upon billions of other
galaxies.  And everyone in our earthbound family
dances together among the stars on an
unimaginable journey

from somewhere to somewhere else!


WHAT IS A PHASE CHANGE and why should we care?
A phase change is an event where a substance, object, individual or chemical is driven into a physical form entirely different from the original structural assembly.  In biology the change in structure (called shape shifting)... is referred to as a morphological change; an example of which is the metamorphasis of a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly.   This kind of "no return" back to its original morphology as a caterpillar is termed an irreversible phase change.  Butterflies never get to go back to what they were prior to the phase change from a caterpillar..

An example of a reversible phase change occurs with ordinary water when as a liquid at temperatures between freezing and boiling will undergo a dynamic phase change into a solid at about 32 degrees farenheit.  Or from a liquid to a gas at standard temperature of 212 degrees at a standard air pressure.  These reversible phase changes of water fortunately for life on Earth are reversible and are essential for life as we know it today.

To understand that irreversible phase changes cannot be undone...ever... we have a foundation on which to respect the delicate and very vulnerable connectedness of all things living and inanimate on Earth.

Simply stated: Do this here and at sometime an equally impactful event will occur over there.

At this very moment the living inhabitants of Earth are nearing a phase change of epic and irreversible consequences!  The very thin layer of life giving and life protecting gaseous atmosphere bound to Earth by invisibleLifeless Polluted Earth gravity and electrostatic forces is being changed 24 hours a day every day of every year by accumulating atmospheric pollutiants. Noxious ions such as nitrites and fluorocarbons are blended into the Earth's very breath.

Most particulate matter in the atmosphere are derived from chemical reactions between a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Others are so small they can only be detected using an electron microscope.  And recently discovered tons of microplastic particles and fibers are continuously being added to the atmosphere from the burning and slow decay of discarded plastic bags and sheets, toys, machined parts, and containers. Unbelieveably, microplastic fibers are detected in ground water, rain water, plants, fish, animals and humans.  Recent discovery of microplastic frgments in human blood was bound to happen as relentless production of tons of plastic products are manufactured, used, discarded and broken down by sunlight, temperature changes, water and friction.
Question: When we we humans cease manufacturing such products as polypropylene and polyethylene?

It is difficult to see, difficult to believe, difficult to act against the perpetual addition of microplastics, manmade toxic chemicals and hormones, and filthy, sickening waste generated and dumped into the Earth's land, waters and atmosphere.  It's all connected even if we can't see or feel it.
At the moment you read these words atmospheric pollutants, pesticides and herbicides by the hundreds are poisoning the farmers' crops and soils and seeping into the aquafer below.  Hormone modifying chemicals are  impacting  microscopic and macroscopic  biology, and invisible, intangible EM  (electromagnetic radiation)...even the low frequency non heat-inducing EM government regulators are so fond of promoting as safe... has been proven to damage submolecular cell structures. (1.)

The narrow-minded, focused intensity of humanoids to create financial profit and material goods as well as a self-centered obsession to exert authority over animate and inanimate factors are drawing humanity toward self extinction.  How many wake-up calls does it take us to realize we... the humanoids of the planet Earth... will ourselves suddenly enter a terminal irreversible phase change and disintegrate into our original scattered and disconnected atomic ingredients. 

And our material mother Earth, from whom we received the privilage of experiencing life, function, and self-aware consiousness, finally rids herself of humanoids whom were found to be lacking in wisdom.  We quasi-intelligent human beings will have bartered for short term enrichment against generating a long term sustainability of life within the framework of compatibility with Earth's long term health.

           HOME       MICROPLASTIC HAZARDS    

(1.)    See THE RAINBOW AND THE WORM,  by Mae Won Ho   World Scientific Publishing Co.3rd edition,  pp.266 and 267; Reprint 2012